LOVE by environment and heritage WORK An up to international standard workplace, inducing people to be enthusiasm and get involved can help the organization gaining the most efficiency and productivity. PLAY Happy space and resting area ; the source of creative and efficient energy.
The urban environment context here is to be a decently-planned, graceful government bureau that suits well with historical sites in the neighborhood such as Chitralada Villa of Dusit Palace, Royal Turf Club of Thailand under the Royal Patronage as well as existing government bureaus, green areas and open spaces in Rama VI road and Sri Ayudhya road.
1. Compact in the Green The building layout is designed to be well-organized and compact, situated in the middle of the site in order to transform setback area around the building into a continuous large permeable green open space. This lets the green area acquire 50% of the site, suiting properly with the volume, shape and form of the new building. Besides the graceful landscape scenery and architecture, the project will make help cooling down the city, making it be more pleasant and appropriately maintaining ecosystem.
2. Safe and Sound City In addition to creating green area in the site for greater environment, putting various activities in recreational zone, working zone and walking paths will open points of view to public area around the project. So there will always be eyes on street, making neighborhood safer for everyone
3. Environmental -Friendly Transport Network Promote the use of public transportation such as local bus, shuttle bus to BTS sky train station. Users can find bus stops all over the place connecting with outbound stations. This will result in environmental-friendly transportation network.
3.1 Walkway and Bike Lane Network are designed to join with green open space around the site. They will be good-looking, neat, appropriated, comfortable and safe.
3.2 Individual Vehicle Network The entrance and exit of individual vehicles (cars and motorcycles) are chosen to be at KamphaengPhet 5 road, using it to soften down traffic jams in main roads and Sri Ayudhya intersection. The project will not connect with Rama VI road and Sri Ayudhya road except at the main gate in Sri Ayudhya road which will be used as an access the “Phahonyothin” historic building in some special occasion only.
3.3 Ground floor street is set to have minimum distance in order to lessen hardscape. The driving network and most of the parking lots (1,210 cars) is kept underground and linked to all paths of the office, making it easy to use. Walkways and bike lanes are provided to maintain users’ safety and nice environment.
3.4 The underground network and parking lots are outlined along project layouts and structures of the new building above the ground which will make the structures uncomplicated, economical and gain a huge permeable area all over the site. LOVE BY HERITAGE Conservation of Local and Organizational Identified Art and Architecture With the simple L-shaped planning along X-Y axis, the new building is capable of holding all the required function. So the KongPassadu building (1948) and the Phahonyothin building (1952), which are important historical buildings and landmarks of the neighborhood and organization can be conserved. Conservation and Adaptation The Kong Passadu building and the Phahonyothin building will be maintained with the authentic beauty of structures, materials and architectural details. The former function as office building will be adaptive reused as a living room, encouraging people to meet up, have fun and be creative. They will also becoming an informal workplace for the Department of Highway, letting everyone use these two loving building equally. The Connecting Between the Old and the New Continuity Harmony – Contrast New building is an extension that respects the harmony of axis, direction, size, shape and form of two existing historic buildings, keeping the simple geometrical rectangle. The new building design represents reality of the era, showing architectural concept, building technology, structure, material, building system. The difference of the new building would act as a background to emphasize the importance of the historical buildings as a main building, so that they would be a grand, grateful welcoming entrance, maintaining the Department of Highway’s identity.
An up to international standard workplace, inducing people to be enthusiasm and get involved can help the organization gaining the most efficiency and productivity. The 99,000 sq.m.(30 Rai) building in 48,000 sq.m. area can hold up to 2,200 peoples with the following concept;
1.Compact The working area are designed to be compact in order to shorten the distance between people, making everyone be closer and communicate more. Also, the building time and cost would be reduced.
2.Legibility – Permeability The L-shaped main transport network is clear and simple, compatible with the city pattern. Perpendicular branches along X-Y axis connect the areas together. Users can understand directions and remember positions of each division easily. This way, working here will be more efficient and the building will be safe to use.
3.Diversity Flexible The simple geometry plan can hold great diversity of work. Many sizes and types of work, including privacy requirement can be fulfilled by the flexible space provided. So the building surely can supports future changes in the organization well. WORK SPACES (Open office, team space, cubicle, Private work, lounge) MEETING SPACES (Small meeting room, large meeting room, meeting point) Support Spaces (Filing space, Storage space, Print and copy area, Pantry area, Locker area, Library, Waiting area)
4.Comfort – Health – Safety The building layout, architectural components and building systems are chosen in consideration of international health standard which are;
4.1 Thermal Comfort The environment inside the building are controlled to be in a comfortable temperature, keeping it not too hot and not too cold and use natural thermal system as much as possible.
4.2 Lighting / Visual Comfort The contrast in lighting is designed properly, not too dark, too bright not or too reflective that it would irritate the eyes. Natural lights are used mixing with artificial lights.
4.3 Acoustic Comfort Controlling sound quality, sound absorption and volume both indoor and outdoor to keep appropriated atmosphere without unwanted echo or noise that might upset building users.
4.4 Indoor Air Quality: IAQ Good and pure indoor air quality is provided by good ventilation which would keep pollution away. Carbon dioxide sensor system is used in order to control good air volume to match with carbon dioxide in the building. There is an air filter system to remove dust and bacteria in the air as well to retain good health for everyone.
4.5 Building Safety Avoid using toxic-dangerous materials. Fire protection technology and utilities are provided. Moreover, universal design are considered and applied all over the project.
Happy space and resting area; the source of creative and efficient energy With great diversity of type, size and historical context in order to hold a variety of following activities; Green space for recreation and environment Garden of big trees Green space on the setback area from main streets is a large, clear open space, connecting around the site continuously. This lets water infuse into the ground, filters pollution from main streets, cools down the area and creates cozy and relaxing atmosphere in the project. The garden will become resting area, exercising space, assemble point and event venue. Pond The pond is situated near KamphaengPhet5 road, acting as an opening space toward main entrance (for individual vehicles) and creating privacy for lower floors in the office. It also connects visibilities between streets and green space in Chitralada Triangle, keeping eyes on street. Furthermore, the pond takes main role in natural water management system as a reservoir for gardening and treating water with plants. Another important role is being a retention pond for the surface runoff which can prevent flood. Vertical gardens on south and west wall Besides green terraces around the building in 2nd and 3rd floor, south and west walls can support vertical garden which promotes relaxing atmosphere and helps maintenance the building. It also prevent heats from entering the building, creating healthy ambience in the office using natural energy; both conditioning and lighting.
Chaliew Vajrabukka Memorial Bamboo Garden Chaliew Vajrabukka Memorial Bamboo Garden is designed together with historical architecture, locating right behind the Phahonyothin building. The bamboo garden connects an enclosed space between old building (living area and shops on ground floor) and new building (main circulation and canteen on ground floor) together, reminding people of intention, vision and spirit of the organization from generation to generation. The Living Room, The Department of Highway’s Historical Architecture Two historical buildings, the Kong Passadu building and the Phahonyothin building are conserved by adaptive reusing the function from office building to the living room, letting everyone in the organization use this beloved building equally, encouraging people to meet up, have fun and be creative. They will also becoming an informal workplace for the Department of Highway as well. Circulation – Multi-purpose Court The living room, meeting point, informal meeting room, exhibition hall, main circulation and the opening court between offices are open spaces under the building which use natural ventilation and lighting. So this work space, meeting space and support space are energy-saving, environment-friendly. Shops, Restuarants and Market Shops, restuarants and market are common area that can be accessed through the main L-shaped circulation.
The location is very suitable for the programs because of it is lively with many users and it can be allocatetidily. It can also support the future extension. The area is connecting with multi-purpose area, main circulation and Phahonyothin road with beautiful scenery and atmosphere. So the space is very well-ventilated, relaxing, and naturally-lighted by the surrounded garden, the court and openings. Exercise Area The walkway and bike lane is very calm and cool with large trees around the site.Beautiful, soothing, green open landscapes can be seen along the walkway and bike lane without any tall building around due to the regulations. It is linking with Chitralada Villa of Dusit Palace, Royal Turf Club of Thailand under the Royal Patronage and Chitralada Triangle in the west of the site. Besides, users can enter the solar farm roof to see the art of innovative of alternative clean energy for the environment which is the vision of the organization.
Design: 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Highways
2nd place in Department of Highways Office Design Competition